75hr I Theory- Classroom Instruction
Limited to Orientation, Career Information, State Laws and Regulations, Professional Image, First Aid, Chemistry, Electricity, Job
Seeking, and Professional Ethics
75hr I Bacteriology, Decontamination, And Infection Control
Health, Public Sanitation, Methods, Chemical Agents, Types, Classifications, Bacterial Growth, Biology, Infections, Infection Control,
Products, Tools, Equipment Use and Safety
75hr I Shampoos, Rinses, Scalp Treatments
Principles and techniques of Treatments and Disorders of the Hair and Scalp and Related Chemistry
150hr I Hairstyling
Principles and Techniques of Wet Styling, Blow Drying and Waving, Finger Waving, and Hairdressing
250hr I Haircutting
Principles and Techniques of Sectioning, Removing Length or Bulk w/ Razor, Scissors, Clippers, Shears
50hr I Salon Business, Retail Sales
Fundamentals of Business Management, Opening a Salon, Business Plan, Written Agreements, Licensing Requirements and
Regulations,L aws,S alon Operations, Policies,P ractices,C ompensationP ackagesP, ayroll Deductions,T elephone Use,A dvertising,
Sales, Communication, Public/ Human Relations, Insurance, Salon Safety
250hr I Miscellaneous
To be applied by the instructor to strengthen student performance; supervised field trips or other related training.
1000 Total Hours Each student in each category must meet the above hour requirements in order for the earned hours to be
accepted by the state licensing board for examination. The generous portion of miscellaneous hours is to be applied as needed in
curriculum-related areas or if the student desires to specialize in a specific area.
1000 Total Hours
Each student in each category must meet the above hour requirements in order for the earned hours to be accepted by the state licensing board for examination.