Required Attendance Policy

Students must complete their program within the maximum time frame for course completion. The maximum time frame for a fulltime student is one year after signing contract. Transfer students will pay for the hours left of completion. If a student goes over maximum contracted time student will be required to pay per hour cost for every hour that has to be made up. For example if a student has 300 left to complete after maximum term student will be required to pay $7.00 per hour. That would cost an additional $2100.00 to complete the course. For these reasons attendance is paramount.

Transfer & Re-Entry Policies

Freshcutz Academy, LLC accepts transfers from other approved schools. Prior to enrollment at Freshcutz Academy, LLC, the student must obtain an official transcript with hours and course work from that school. Credit for course work from another school will be accepted if test scores are at 70% or above, if the curriculum aligns with that of Freshcutz Academy, LLC and after skills are reviewed by the Education Coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student to check that the hours from the previously attended school are accepted by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health and are sent to the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health by the previous school (if applicable). (Freshcutz Academy, LLC can only be responsible for hours compl~ted at our facility) Freshcutz Academy, LLC does not initiate any conversation about transferring, or in any way recruits’ students to attend any other school. If a Freshcutz Academy, LLC student requires transfer to another school, and all Freshcutz Academy, LLC contractual obligations have been met, a transfer of hours will be sent to the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health (if applicable). Should a student desire to transfer out of freshcutz Academy, LLC, they may request a copy of th~ir transcripts and hours completed upon payment of all debts owed to Freshcutz Academy, LLC.

Re-Entry Policy

Students who re-enroll in the program within 180 days of last date of attendance must complete the following:

  • All outstanding tuition, fees, and overtime expenses, as applicable, must be paid in advance. Any payment arrangements must be paid with the owner, at their sole discretion, prior to re-entry.
  • Previous tuition payments will be credited to the student’s balance based upon the original contracted cost for the course.
  • Pay a $100.00 re-entry fee. Students who re-enroll in the program after 180 days of last date of attendance must complete the following:
  • All outstanding tuition, fees, and overtime expenses, as applicable, must be paid in advance.
  • Students are required to purchase a kit if their current kit is not complete. Any missing kit items must be purchased.
  • Pay a $100.00 re-entry fee.

Re-admission is reserved to the sole discretion of Freshcutz Academy, LLC and may require special conditions.

Re-admission for a student requires the submissions of a personal letter detailing the reasons for their return to school provided to the school admin_istration. The re-entering student will be placed on 90-day monitoring period. During the 900- day monitoring period the student must demonstrate for that period that they can meet the school’s minimum attendance and academic requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will then be evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress at the next scheduled evaluation period to determine their new status. Students who fail to meet the minimum attendance and academic requirements for that 90-day monitoring period may be terminated.

Complaint/Inquire Policy

Freshcutz Academy, LLC is required by Law to provide students with the proper instruction in the required facet of the course study. Freshcutz Academy, LLC will teach and shape the students in preparation to become a professional barber.

The students will receive intensive theory training in preparations for the State Board Exam. This course study does not guarantee employment placement upon completion. The student has a right to contact the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education if they are not satisfied with the school’s compliant policy. We will take steps internally to resolve complaint before student reaches out to Hartford. Meet with director to resolve any written complaints within the schools resolution efforts. The complaint policy is posted prominently on the wall in the classroom.

Freshcutz Academy, LLC agrees to be upstanding towards all of out clients; we do not discourage or prohibit anyone from reporting or filing a compliant regarding our schools operation. We intend to resolve all issues or complaints by having a compliant box on premises. Any Complaints can be filed with; Office of Higher Education, 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 707, Hartford, CT 06103 Phone: 860-947-1816, Fax: 860-326-0567,

Non-Discrimination Policy

Freshcutz Academy does not discriminate against any applicant or student based on race, color, religion, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, or disability. No otherwise qualified personal shall, based on such discriminations, be excluded from or denied the benefits of any program or services of the school. The school will make such services available as necessary to the best of our ability to ensure equal opportunity to benefit from the program to all students. Students with disabilities who wish to request reasonable accommodations must contact the School Director. It is the student’s responsibility to self-disclose and provide appropriate documentation.